Семейство | Rosaceae |
Stems 4–20, branching from the middle and above (occasionally beginning to branch more from the base, giving it a multistemmed appearence), 2–12 cm high, arcuate-ascending, sinuous, sometimes prostrate, slightly leafy, greenish-violet or entirely violet. At lower part stems glabrous or covered with glandules, and short straight pressed and bent forwards hairs as at the top. Basal leaves with 4–5 pairs of leaflets (rarely with 3 pairs of leaflets), 1.5–6 cm long. Lower and middle stem leaves ternate, rarely with two pairs of leaflets. Petioles glabrous or covered with few glandules, very rarely with sporadic short pressed hairs. Leaflets sessile, 1–8 mm long; the terminal leaflet up to 15 mm long, sometimes on a short petiole, incised in 3–4 segments on each side. Leaflets of the upper pair incised in 2 segments on each side or in 2–4 segments, like all other leaflets. Lower pair of leaflets entire. The segments short, 1–5 mm long and 0.7–1 mm wide, oval or lanceolate, rarely linear, at the top rounded or obtuse, rarely acute, often with a bunch of straight hairs at the end. Leaflets glabrous or covered with solitary, rarely with many glandules and short straight pressed and bent forwards hairs. Terminal leaf-lets glabrous or with solitary glandules and squarrose hairs. Stipules of basal leaves brownish or brownish-violet, rarely wholly violet with elongate-triangular acu-tate entire auricles, like stipules of stem leaves glabrous or covered with solitary glandules and straight half-pressed hairs. Stipules of stem leaves green, small with lanceolate or linear auricles, entire or dissected in two obtuse lobes. Inflorescence loose, 2–6-flowered. The flowers 1–1.5 cm in diam., on long thin pedicles covered with rarely or moderately dense glandules and with straight as well as bent an curly forwards hairs. Calyx reddish-violet, rarely dark green, glabrous or covered
Описан из Монгольского Алтая.